Combobox Primitive
An unstyled and accessible basis upon which to build a combobox.
const items = ['Alert', 'Anchor', 'Button', 'Card', 'Heading', 'List', 'Modal', 'Paragraph']; const BasicCombobox = () => { const { getComboboxProps, getInputProps, getItemProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, getToggleButtonProps, highlightedIndex, isOpen, selectedItem, } = useComboboxPrimitive({items}); const uid = useUID(); return ( <> <Label htmlFor={uid} {...getLabelProps()}> Choose a component: </Label> <Box {...getComboboxProps({role: 'combobox'})}> <Input id={uid} type="text" {...getInputProps(getToggleButtonProps({tabIndex: 0}))} value={selectedItem || ''} /> </Box> <ul {...getMenuProps()}> {isOpen &&, index) => ( <li style={highlightedIndex === index ? {textDecoration: 'underline'} : {}} key={item} {...getItemProps({item, index})} > {item} </li> ))} </ul> </> ); }; render( <BasicCombobox /> )
This package provides a foundation upon which developers can implement a WAI-Aria compliant Combobox. It can be used to build functional and accessible Comboboxes with or without autocomplete/typeahead features. Our Combobox is built on top of this primitive.
The purpose of providing these unstyled primitives is to cater for instances when the styled Combobox provided by Paste, doesn't meet the requirements needed to solve a unique or individual customer problem. At that point you are welcome to fallback to this functional primitive to roll your own styled Combobox whilst still providing a functional and accessible experience to your customers.
This primitive should be used to compose all custom Comboboxes to ensure accessibility and upgrade paths.
We strongly suggest that all components built on top of this primitive get reviewed by the Design Systems team and goes through the UX Review process to ensure an excellent experience for our customers.
A basic Combobox is a direct replacement for the native HTML select element. It should function in roughly the same way, the difference being in the ability to style everything about it; the input trigger, option list and option content.
Contrary to the Downshift documentation and example, the basic Combobox should have an HTML input element as
the trigger, and not an HTML button. Use an input element and set the role of Combobox in the getToggleButtonProps
getter or directly on the element itself. You can see this demonstrated below:
Using an input element prevents screen readers like JAWS switching out of focus or forms mode when navigating through a form. This provides a really frustrating experience to users of JAWS. It is also a direct replacement for a form element, so the value should be accessible via the form submit event, which a button element will not provide.
const items = ['Alert', 'Anchor', 'Button', 'Card', 'Heading', 'List', 'Modal', 'Paragraph']; const BasicCombobox = () => { const { getComboboxProps, getInputProps, getItemProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, getToggleButtonProps, highlightedIndex, isOpen, selectedItem, } = useComboboxPrimitive({items}); const uid = useUID(); return ( <> <Label htmlFor={uid} {...getLabelProps()}> Choose a component: </Label> <Box {...getComboboxProps({role: 'combobox'})}> <Input id={uid} type="text" {...getInputProps(getToggleButtonProps({tabIndex: 0}))} value={selectedItem || ''} /> </Box> <ul {...getMenuProps()}> {isOpen &&, index) => ( <li style={highlightedIndex === index ? {textDecoration: 'underline'} : {}} key={item} {...getItemProps({item, index})} > {item} </li> ))} </ul> </> ); }; render( <BasicCombobox /> )
This hook can be used to create custom autocomplete Combobox controls. These controls are useful when the customer needs to filter a list of available options, or provide a custom free form value to the input.
const items = ['Alert', 'Anchor', 'Button', 'Card', 'Heading', 'List', 'Modal', 'Paragraph']; const AutocompleteCombobox = () => { const [inputItems, setInputItems] = React.useState(items); const { getComboboxProps, getInputProps, getItemProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, getToggleButtonProps, highlightedIndex, isOpen, } = useComboboxPrimitive({ items: inputItems, onInputValueChange: ({inputValue}) => { setInputItems(items.filter(item => item.toLowerCase().startsWith(inputValue.toLowerCase()))); }, }); const uid = useUID(); return ( <> <Label htmlFor={uid} {...getLabelProps()}> Choose a component: </Label> <Box display="flex" {...getComboboxProps()}> <Input id={uid} type="text" {...getInputProps()} /> <Button {...getToggleButtonProps()} aria-label="toggle menu" variant="primary"> <ChevronDownIcon size="sizeIcon30" decorative={false} title="toggle menu" /> </Button> </Box> <ul {...getMenuProps()}> {isOpen &&, index) => ( <li style={highlightedIndex === index ? {textDecoration: 'underline'} : {}} key={item} {...getItemProps({item, index})} > {item} </li> ))} </ul> </> ); }; render( <AutocompleteCombobox /> )
const items = ['Alert', 'Anchor', 'Button', 'Card', 'Heading', 'List', 'Modal', 'Paragraph']; const BasicMultiCombobox = () => { const seed = useUIDSeed(); const [filteredItems, setFilteredItems] = React.useState([...items]); const formPillState = useFormPillState(); const { getSelectedItemProps, getDropdownProps, addSelectedItem, removeSelectedItem, selectedItems, } = useMultiSelectPrimitive({}); const handleSelectItemOnClick = React.useCallback( (selectedItem) => { addSelectedItem(selectedItem); setFilteredItems((currentFilteredItems) => currentFilteredItems.filter((item) => item !== selectedItem)); }, [addSelectedItem, setFilteredItems] ); const handleRemoveItemOnClick = React.useCallback( (selectedItem) => { removeSelectedItem(selectedItem); setFilteredItems((currentFilteredItems) => [...currentFilteredItems, selectedItem].sort()); }, [removeSelectedItem] ); const { getComboboxProps, getInputProps, getItemProps, getLabelProps, getMenuProps, getToggleButtonProps, highlightedIndex, isOpen, selectedItem, selectItem, } = useComboboxPrimitive({ items: filteredItems, initialInputValue: '', onSelectedItemChange: ({selectedItem: selected}) => { if (selected != null) { handleSelectItemOnClick(selected); } selectItem(null); }, }); const inputId = seed('input-element'); return ( <> <Box marginBottom="space40" position="relative"> <Label htmlFor={inputId} {...getLabelProps()}> Choose a component </Label> <Box {...getComboboxProps({role: 'combobox'})}> <Input id={inputId} type="text" {...getInputProps({ ...getDropdownProps({ preventKeyAction: isOpen, ...getToggleButtonProps({tabIndex: 0}), }), })} value={selectedItem || ''} /> </Box> <ComboboxListbox hidden={!isOpen} {...getMenuProps()}> <ComboboxListboxGroup> {, index) => ( <ComboboxListboxOption highlighted={highlightedIndex === index} variant="default" {...getItemProps({item: filteredItem, index, key: seed('filtered-item-' + filteredItem)})} > {filteredItem} </ComboboxListboxOption> ))} </ComboboxListboxGroup> </ComboboxListbox> </Box> <FormPillGroup {...formPillState} aria-label="Selected components"> {, index) => { return ( <FormPill {...getSelectedItemProps({ selectedItem, index, key: 'selected-item-' + item, })} tabIndex={null} {...formPillState} onDismiss={() => handleRemoveItemOnClick(item)} > {item} </FormPill> ); })} </FormPillGroup> </> ); }; render( <BasicMultiCombobox /> )
This package is a wrapper around the Downshift
Our wrapper currently only exposes the useCombobox hook, but renamed for Paste. The reason we chose
to just expose the hook is that we feel it is the most flexible way of consuming downshift and better
fit our chosen styling model.
If you’re wondering why we wrapped that package into our own, we reasoned that it would be best for our consumers' developer experience. For example:
- If we want to migrate the underlying nuts and bolts in the future, Twilio products
that depend on this primitive would need to replace all occurrences of
import … from ‘x-package’
toimport … from ‘@some-new/package’
. By wrapping it in@twilio-paste/x-primitive
, this refactor can be avoided. The only change would be a version bump in the package.json file for the primitive. - We can more strictly enforce semver and backwards compatibility than some of our dependencies.
- We can control when to provide an update and which versions we allow, to help reduce potential bugs our consumers may face.
- We can control which APIs we expose. For example, we may chose to enable or disable usage of certain undocumented APIs.
yarn add @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive - or - yarn add @twilio-paste/core
This is the list of props that you should probably know about. There are some advanced props below as well.
items any[]
| required
The main difference from vanilla Downshift
is that we pass the items we want
to render to the hook as well. Opening the menu with an item already selected
means the hook has to know in advance what items you plan to render and what is
the position of that item in the list. Consequently, there won't be any need for
two state changes: one for opening the menu and one for setting the highlighted
index, like in Downshift
itemToString function(item: any)
| defaults to: item => (item ? String(item) : '')
If your items are stored as, say, objects instead of strings, downshift still needs a string representation for each one. This is required for accessibility messages (e.g., after making a selection).
Note: This callback must include a null check: it is invoked with null
whenever the user abandons input via <Esc>
onSelectedItemChange function(changes: object)
| optional, no useful default
Called each time the selected item was changed. Selection can be performed by item click, Enter Key while item is highlighted or by blurring the menu while an item is highlighted (Tab, Shift-Tab or clicking away).
: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This object is guaranteed to contain theselectedItem
property with the newly selected value. This also has atype
property which you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
section. This property will be part of the actions that can trigger aselectedItem
change, for exampleuseCombobox.stateChangeTypes.ItemClick
stateReducer function(state: object, actionAndChanges: object)
| optional
This is a really handy power feature
This function will be called each time useCombobox
sets its internal state (or
calls your onStateChange
handler for control props). It allows you to modify
the state change that will take place which can give you fine grain control over
how the component interacts with user updates. It gives you the current state
and the state that will be set, and you return the state that you want to set.
: The full current state of downshift.actionAndChanges
: Object that contains the actiontype
, props needed to return a new state based on that type and the changes suggested by the Downshift default reducer. About thetype
property you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
initialSelectedItem any
| defaults to null
Pass an item that should be selected when downshift is initialized.
initialIsOpen boolean
| defaults to false
Pass a boolean that sets the open state of the menu when downshift is initialized.
initialHighlightedIndex number
| defaults to -1
Pass a number that sets the index of the highlighted item when downshift is initialized.
initialInputValue string
| defaults to ''
Pass a string that sets the content of the input when downshift is initialized.
defaultSelectedItem any
| defaults to null
Pass an item that should be selected when downshift is reset.
defaultIsOpen boolean
| defaults to false
Pass a boolean that sets the open state of the menu when downshift is reset or when an item is selected.
defaultHighlightedIndex number
| defaults to -1
Pass a number that sets the index of the highlighted item when downshift is reset or when an item is selected.
defaultInputValue string
| defaults to ''
Pass a string that sets the content of the input when downshift is reset or when an item is selected.
getA11yStatusMessage function({/* see below */})
| default messages provided in English
This function is passed as props to a status updating function nested within
that allows you to create your own ARIA statuses. It is called when one of the
following props change: items
, highlightedIndex
, inputValue
or isOpen
A default getA11yStatusMessage
function is provided that will check
and return "No results are available." or if there are results ,
results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.
Press Enter key to select."
getA11ySelectionMessage function({/* see below */})
| default messages provided in English
This function is similar to the getA11yStatusMessage
but it is generating a
message when an item is selected. It is passed as props to a status updating
function nested within that allows you to create your own ARIA statuses. It is
called when selectedItem
A default getA11ySelectionMessage
function is provided. When an item is
selected, the message is a selection related one, narrating
has been selected".
The object you are passed to generate your status message, for both
and getA11ySelectionMessage
, has the following
property | type | description |
highlightedIndex | number | The currently highlighted index |
highlightedItem | any | The value of the highlighted item |
isOpen | boolean | The isOpen state |
inputValue | string | The value in the text input. |
itemToString | function(any) | The itemToString function (see props) for getting the string value from one of the options |
previousResultCount | number | The total items showing in the dropdown the last time the status was updated |
resultCount | number | The total items showing in the dropdown |
selectedItem | any | The value of the currently selected item |
onHighlightedIndexChange function(changes: object)
| optional, no useful default
Called each time the highlighted item was changed. Items can be highlighted while hovering the mouse over them or by keyboard keys such as Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Home and End. Arrow keys can be combined with Shift to move by a step of 5 positions instead of 1. Items can also be highlighted by hitting character keys that are part of their starting string equivalent.
: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This object is guaranteed to contain thehighlightedIndex
property with the new value. This also has atype
property which you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
section. This property will be part of the actions that can trigger ahighlightedIndex
change, for exampleuseCombobox.stateChangeTypes.MenuKeyDownArrowUp
onIsOpenChange function(changes: object)
| optional, no useful default
Called each time the menu is open or closed. Menu can be open by toggle button click, Enter, Space, Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys. Can be closed by selecting an item, blur (Tab, Shift-Tab or clicking outside), clicking the toggle button again or hitting Escape key.
: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This object is guaranteed to contain theisOpen
property with the new value. This also has atype
property which you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
section. This property will be part of the actions that can trigger aisOpen
change, for exampleuseCombobox.stateChangeTypes.ToggleButtonClick
onInputValueChange function(changes: object)
| optional, no useful default
Called each time the value in the input text changes. The input value should
change like any input of type text, at any character key press, Space
, Escape
: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This object is guaranteed to contain theinputValue
property with the new value. This also has atype
property which you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
section. This property will be part of the actions that can trigger ainputValue
change, for exampleuseCombobox.stateChangeTypes.InputChange
onStateChange function(changes: object)
| optional, no useful default
This function is called anytime the internal state changes. This can be useful if you're using downshift as a "controlled" component, where you manage some or all of the state (e.g., isOpen, selectedItem, highlightedIndex, etc) and then pass it as props, rather than letting downshift control all its state itself.
: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This also has atype
property which you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
highlightedIndex number
The index of the item that should be highlighted when menu is open.
isOpen boolean
The open state of the menu.
selectedItem any
The item that should be selected.
inputValue string
The value to be displayed in the text input.
id string
| defaults to a generated ID
Used to generate the first part of the Downshift
id on the elements. You can
override this id
with one of your own, provided as a prop, or you can override
the id
for each element altogether using the props below.
labelId string
| defaults to a generated ID
Used for aria
attributes and the id
prop of the element (label
) you use
menuId string
| defaults to a generated ID
Used for aria
attributes and the id
prop of the element (ul
) you use
toggleButtonId string
| defaults to a generated ID
Used for aria
attributes and the id
prop of the element (button
) you use
inputId string
| defaults to a generated ID
Used for aria
attributes and the id
prop of the element (input
) you use
getItemId function(index)
| defaults to a function that generates an ID based on the index
Used for aria
attributes and the id
prop of the element (li
) you use
environment window
| defaults to window
This prop is only useful if you're rendering downshift within a different
context from where your JavaScript is running; for example, an iframe
or a shadow-root. If the given context is lacking document
on its prototype (as is the case for a shadow-root)
then you will need to pass in a custom object that is able to provide
access to these properties
for downshift.
circularNavigation boolean
| defaults to true
Controls the circular keyboard navigation between items. If set to true
, when
first item is highlighted, the Arrow Up will move highlight to the last item,
and viceversa using Arrow Down.
There are a few props that expose changes to state
and stateReducer
). For you
to make the most of these APIs, it's important for you to understand why state
is being changed. To accomplish this, there's a type
property on the changes
object you get. This type
corresponds to a stateChangeTypes
The list of all possible values this type
property can take is defined in
[this file][state-change-file] and is as follows:
Downshift manages its own state internally and calls your
, onIsOpenChange
, onHighlightedIndexChange
and onStateChange
handlers with any relevant changes. The
state that downshift manages includes: isOpen
, selectedItem
, inputValue
and highlightedIndex
. Returned action function (read more below) can be used
to manipulate this state and can likely support many of your use cases.
However, if more control is needed, you can pass any of these pieces of state as
a prop (as indicated above) and that state becomes controlled. As soon as
this.props[statePropKey] !== undefined
, internally, downshift
will determine
its state based on your prop's value rather than its own internal state. You
will be required to keep the state up to date (this is where onStateChange
comes in really handy), but you can also control the state from anywhere, be
that state from other components, redux
, react-router
, or anywhere else.
Note: This is very similar to how normal controlled components work elsewhere in react (like
<input />
). If you want to learn more about this concept, you can learn about that from this the Advanced React Component Patterns course
These prop-getters provide `aria-` attributes which are very important > to your component being accessible. It's recommended that you utilize these > functions and apply the props they give you to your components.
This method should be applied to the label
you render. It will generate an
that will be used to label the toggle button and the menu.
There are no required properties for this method.
Note: For accessibility purposes, calling this method is highly recommended.
This method should be applied to the element which contains your list of items.
Typically, this will be a <div>
or a <ul>
that surrounds a map
This handles the proper ARIA roles and attributes.
Optional properties:
: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call thisinnerRef
. So you'd call:getMenuProps({refKey: 'innerRef'})
and your composite component would forward like:<ul ref={props.innerRef} />
. However, if you are just rendering a primitive component like<div>
, there is no need to specify this property. It defaults toref
.Please keep in mind that menus, for accessiblity purposes, should always be rendered, regardless of whether you hide it or not. Otherwise,
may throw error if you unmount and remount the menu.aria-label
: By default the menu will add anaria-labelledby
that refers to the<label>
rendered withgetLabelProps
. However, if you providearia-label
to give a more specific label that describes the options available, thenaria-labelledby
will not be provided and screen readers can use youraria-label
In some cases, you might want to completely bypass the refKey
check. Then you
can provide the object {suppressRefError : true}
as the second argument to
. Please use it with extreme care and only if you are absolutely
sure that the ref is correctly forwarded otherwise useCombobox
unexpectedly fail.
Note that for accessibility reasons it's best if you always render this element whether or not downshift is in an
The props returned from calling this function should be applied to any menu items you render.
This is an impure function, so it should only be called when you will actually be applying the props to an item.
Required properties:
The main difference from vanilla Downshift
is that we require the items as
props before rendering. The reason is to open the menu with items already
highlighted, and we need to know the items before the actual render. It is still
required to pass either item
or index
to getItemProps
: this is the item data that will be selected when the user selects a particular item.index
: This is howdownshift
keeps track of your item when updating thehighlightedIndex
as the user keys around. By default,downshift
will assume theindex
is the order in which you're callinggetItemProps
. This is often good enough, but if you find odd behavior, try setting this explicitly. It's probably best to be explicit aboutindex
when using a windowing library likereact-virtualized
Optional properties:
: if you need to access the item element via a ref object, you'd call the function like this:getItemProps({ref: yourItemRef})
. As a result, the item element will receive a composedref
property, which guarantees that both your code anduseCombobox
use the same correct reference to the element.refKey
: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call thisinnerRef
. So you'd call:getItemProps({refKey: 'innerRef'})
and your composite component would forward like:<li ref={props.innerRef} />
. However, if you are just rendering a primitive component like<div>
, there is no need to specify this property. It defaults toref
: If this is set totrue
, then all of the downshift item event handlers will be omitted. Items will not be highlighted when hovered, and items will not be selected when clicked.
Call this and apply the returned props to a button
. It allows you to toggle
the Menu
Optional properties:
: if you need to access the button element via a ref object, you'd call the function like this:getToggleButton({ref: yourButtonRef})
. As a result, the button element will receive a composedref
property, which guarantees that both your code anduseCombobox
use the same correct reference to the element.refKey
: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call thisinnerRef
. So you'd call:getToggleButton({refKey: 'innerRef'})
and your composite component would forward like:<button ref={props.innerRef} />
. However, if you are just rendering a primitive component like<div>
, there is no need to specify this property. It defaults toref
: If this is set totrue
, then all of the downshift button event handlers will be omitted (it won't toggle the menu when clicked).
This method should be applied to the input
you render. It is recommended that
you pass all props as an object to this method which will compose together any
of the event handlers you need to apply to the input
while preserving the ones
that downshift
needs to apply to make the input
There are no required properties for this method.
Optional properties:
: If this is set to true, then no event handlers will be returned fromgetInputProps
and adisabled
prop will be returned (effectively disabling the input).ref
: if you need to access the input element via a ref object, you'd call the function like this:getInputProps({ref: yourInputRef})
. As a result, the input element will receive a composedref
property, which guarantees that both your code anduseCombobox
use the same correct reference to the element.refKey
: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call thisinnerRef
. So you'd call:getInputProps({refKey: 'innerRef'})
and your composite component would forward like:<input ref={props.innerRef} />
. However, if you are just rendering a primitive component like<div>
, there is no need to specify this property. It defaults toref
In some cases, you might want to completely bypass the refKey
check. Then you
can provide the object {suppressRefError : true}
as the second argument to
. Please use it with extreme care and only if you are absolutely
sure that the ref is correctly forwarded otherwise useCombobox
unexpectedly fail.
This method should be applied to the input
wrapper element. It has similar
return values to the getRootProps
from vanilla Downshift
, but renaming it as
it's not a root element anymore. We are encouraging the correct combobox
structure as having the combobox wrapper as a root for the rest of the elements
broke navigation and readings with assistive technologies. The wrapper should
contain the input
and the toggleButton
and it should be on the same level
with the menu
There are no required properties for this method.
In some cases, you might want to completely bypass the refKey
check. Then you
can provide the object {suppressRefError : true}
as the second argument to
. Please use it with extreme care and only if you are
absolutely sure that the ref is correctly forwarded otherwise useCombobox
unexpectedly fail.
These are functions you can call to change the state of the downshift
property | type | description |
closeMenu | function() | closes the menu |
openMenu | function() | opens the menu |
selectItem | function(item: any) | selects the given item |
setHighlightedIndex | function(index: number) | call to set a new highlighted index |
setInputValue | function(value: string) | call to set a new value in the input |
toggleMenu | function() | toggle the menu open state |
reset | function() | this resets downshift's state to a reasonable default |
These are values that represent the current state of the downshift component.
property | type | description |
highlightedIndex | number | the currently highlighted item |
isOpen | boolean | the menu open state |
selectedItem | any | the currently selected item input |
inputValue | string | the value in the input |
This is the list of props that you should probably know about. There are some advanced props below as well.
itemToString function(item: any)
| defaults to: i => (i == null ? '' : String(i))
If your items are stored as, say, objects instead of strings, downshift still needs a string representation for each one. This is required for accessibility aria-live messages (e.g., after removing a selection).
onSelectedItemsChange function(changes: object)
| optional, no useful default
Called each time the selected items array changes. Especially useful when items
are removed, as there are many ways to do that: Backspace
from dropdown,
or Delete
while focus is the item, executing removeSelectedItem
when clicking an associated X
icon for the item.
: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This object is guaranteed to contain theselectedItems
property with the new array value. This also has atype
property which you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
section. This property will be part of the actions that can trigger anselectedItems
change, for exampleuseSelect.stateChangeTypes.DropdownKeyDownBackspace
stateReducer function(state: object, actionAndChanges: object)
| optional
This is a really handy power feature
This function will be called each time useMultipleSelection
sets its internal
state (or calls your onStateChange
handler for control props). It allows you
to modify the state change that will take place which can give you fine grain
control over how the component interacts with user updates. It gives you the
current state and the state that will be set, and you return the state that you
want to set.
: The full current state of downshift.actionAndChanges
: Object that contains the actiontype
, props needed to return a new state based on that type and the changes suggested by the Downshift default reducer. About thetype
property you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
keyNavigationNext string
| defaults to ArrowRight
The navigation key that increments activeIndex
and moves focus to the selected
item whose index corresponds to the new value. For a RTL
scenario, a common
overriden value could be ArrowLeft
. In some scenarios it can be ArrowDown
It mostly depends on the UI the user is presented with.
keyNavigationPrevious string
| defaults to ArrowLeft
The navigation key that decrements activeIndex
and moves focus to the selected
item whose index corresponds to the new value. Also moves focus from dropdown
to item with the last index. For a RTL
scenario, a common overriden value
could be ArrowRight
. In some scenarios it can be ArrowUp
. It mostly depends
on the UI the user is presented with.
initialSelectedItems any[]
| defaults to []
Pass an initial array of items that are considered to be selected.
initialActiveIndex number
| defaults to -1
Pass a number that sets the index of the focused / active selected item when downshift is initialized.
defaultSelectedItems any[]
| defaults to []
Pass an array of items that are going to be used when downshift is reset.
defaultActiveIndex number
| defaults to -1
Pass a number that sets the index of the focused / active selected item when downshift is reset.
getA11yRemovalMessage function({})
| default messages provided in English
This function is similar to the getA11yStatusMessage
from useSelect
and useCombobox
but it is
generating an ARIA a11y message when an item is removed. It is passed as props
to a status updating function nested within that allows you to create your own
ARIA statuses. It is called when an item is removed and the size of
A default getA11yRemovalMessage
function is provided. When an item is removed,
the message is a removal related one, narrating "itemToString(removedItem)
been removed".
The object you are passed to generate your status message for
has the following properties:
property | type | description |
resultCount | number | The count of selected items in the list. |
itemToString | function(any) | The itemToString function (see props) for getting the string value from one of the options |
removedSelectedItem | any | The value of the currently removed item |
activeSelectedItem | any | The value of the currently active item |
activeIndex | number | The index of the currently active item. |
onActiveIndexChange function(changes: object)
| optional, no useful default
Called each time the index of the active item changes. When an item becomes
active, it receives focus, so it can receive keyboard events. To change
you can either click on the item or use navigation keys between
the items and the dropdown.
: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This object is guaranteed to contain theactiveIndex
property with the new value. This also has atype
property which you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
onStateChange function(changes: object)
| optional, no useful default
This function is called anytime the internal state changes. This can be useful if you're using downshift as a "controlled" component, where you manage some or all of the state (e.g. selectedItems and activeIndex) and then pass it as props, rather than letting downshift control all its state itself.
: These are the properties that actually have changed since the last state change. This also has atype
property which you can learn more about in thestateChangeTypes
Tip: This function will be called any time any state is changed. The best way to determine whether any particular state was changed, you can use
or use theon[statePropKey]Change
props described above.
NOTE: This is only called when state actually changes. You should not attempt to use this to handle events. If you wish handle events, put your event handlers directly on the elements (make sure to use the prop getters though!
For example:
<button onBlur={handleBlur} />
should be<button {...getDropdownProps({onBlur: handleBlur})} />
activeIndex number
| control prop
(read more about this in the Control Props section)
The index of the item that should be active and focused.
selectedItems any[]
| control prop
(read more about this in the Control Props section)
The items that are considered selected at the time.
environment window
| defaults to window
This prop is only useful if you're rendering downshift within a different
context from where your JavaScript is running; for example, an iframe
or a shadow-root. If the given context is lacking document
on its prototype (as is the case for a shadow-root)
then you will need to pass in a custom object that is able to provide
access to these properties
for downshift.
There are a few props that expose changes to state
and stateReducer
). For you
to make the most of these APIs, it's important for you to understand why state
is being changed. To accomplish this, there's a type
property on the changes
object you get. This type
corresponds to a stateChangeTypes
The list of all possible values this type
property can take is defined in
[this file][state-change-file] and is as follows:
Downshift manages its own state internally and calls your
, onActiveIndexChange
and onStateChange
handlers with
any relevant changes. The state that downshift manages includes: selectedItems
and activeIndex
. Returned action function (read more below) can be used to
manipulate this state and can likely support many of your use cases.
However, if more control is needed, you can pass any of these pieces of state as
a prop (as indicated above) and that state becomes controlled. As soon as
this.props[statePropKey] !== undefined
, internally, downshift
will determine
its state based on your prop's value rather than its own internal state. You
will be required to keep the state up to date (this is where onStateChange
comes in really handy), but you can also control the state from anywhere, be
that state from other components, redux
, react-router
, or anywhere else.
Note: This is very similar to how normal controlled components work elsewhere in react (like
<input />
The properties of useMultipleSelection
can be split into three categories as indicated below.
These prop-getters provide `aria-` attributes which are very important > to your component being accessible. It's recommended that you utilize these > functions and apply the props they give you to your components.
These functions are used to apply props to the elements that you render. This gives you maximum flexibility to render what, when, and wherever you like. You call these on the element in question, for example on the toggle button:
<button {...getDropdownProps()}
It's advisable to pass all your props to that function rather than applying them on the element yourself to avoid your props being overridden (or overriding the props returned).
For example:
getDropdownProps({preventKeyAction: isOpen})
See this blog post about prop getters
property | type | description |
getDropdownProps | function({}) | returns the props you should apply to either your input or toggle button, depending on the case. |
getSelectedItemProps | function({}) | returns the props you should apply to any selected item elements you render. |
The props returned from calling this function should be applied to any selected
items you render. It allows changing the activeIndex by using arrow keys or by
clicking, but also removing items by Delete
or Backspace
on active item. It
also ensures that focus moves along with the activeIndex, and it keeps a
on the active element even if user decides to Tab
away. That
way, when tabbing back, the user can pick up where he left off with selection.
This is an impure function, so it should only be called when you will actually be applying the props to an item.
Required properties:
It is required to pass either selectedItem
or index
in order to be able to apply the activeIndex logic.
: this is the item data that will be selected when the user selects a particular item.index
: This is howdownshift
keeps track of your item when updating theactiveIndex
as the user keys around. By default,downshift
will assume theindex
is the order in which you're callinggetSelectedItemProps
. This is often good enough, but if you find odd behavior, try setting this explicitly. It's probably best to be explicit aboutindex
when using a windowing library likereact-virtualized
Optional properties:
: if you need to access the dropdown element via a ref object, you'd call the function like this:getDropdown({ref: yourDropdownRef})
. As a result, the dropdown element will receive a composedref
property, which guarantees that both your code anduseMultipleSelection
use the same correct reference to the element.refKey
: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call thisinnerRef
. So you'd call:getSelectedItemProps({refKey: 'innerRef'})
and your composite component would forward like:<li ref={props.innerRef} />
. However, if you are just rendering a primitive component like<div>
, there is no need to specify this property. It defaults toref
Call this and apply the returned props to a button
if you are building a
or to an input
if you're building a combobox
. It allows you to move
focus from this element to the last item selected by using ArrowLeft
and also
to remove the last item using Backspace
Optional properties:
: tellsuseMultipleSelection
is allowed to executedownshift
handlers onkeydown
. For example, you can passisOpen
as value and user will not be able to delete selecteditems byBackspace
or to navigate to them by arrow keys. This is useful if you don't want to mix key actions from multiple selection with the ones from the dropdown. Once the dropdown is closed then deletion / navigation can be resumed for multiple selection. The value isfalse
by default.refKey
: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call thisinnerRef
. So you'd call:getDropdownProps({refKey: 'innerRef'})
and your composite component would forward like:<button ref={props.innerRef} />
. However, if you are just rendering a primitive component like<div>
, there is no need to specify this property. It defaults toref
In some cases, you might want to completely bypass the refKey
check. Then you
can provide the object {suppressRefError: true}
as the second argument to
Please use it with extreme care and only if you are
absolutely sure that the ref is correctly forwarded otherwise
will unexpectedly fail.
const {getDropdownProps} = useMultipleSelection()
const {isOpen,} = useComboboxPrimitve({items})
const myButton = (
{/* selected items */}
<button {...getDropdownProps({preventKeyAction: isOpen})}>Click me</button>
{/* menu and items */}
These are functions you can call to change the state of the downshift
property | type | description |
addSelectedItem | function(item: any) | adds an item to the selected array |
removeSelectedItem | function(item: any) | removes an item from the selected array |
reset | function() | resets the selectedItems and active index to defaults |
setActiveIndex | function(index: number) | sets activeIndex to the new value |
setSelectedItems | function(items: any[]) | sets selectedItems to the new value |
These are values that represent the current state of the downshift component.
property | type | description |
activeIndex | number | the index of thecurrently active item |
selectedItems | any[] | the items of the selection |
Downshift has a few events for which it provides implicit handlers. Several of
these handlers call event.preventDefault()
. Their additional functionality is
described below.
: Moves focus frombutton
to the last selected item and makesactiveIndex
to beselectedItems.length - 1
. Performs this action if there are any items selected.ArrowLeft
can be overriden with any other key depeding on the requirements.Backspace
: Removes the last selected item from selection. It always performs this action on a non-input element. If thedropdown
is acombobox
the text cursor of theinput
must be at the start of theinput
and not highlight any text in order for the removal to work.
: It will make the item active, will modifyactiveIndex
to reflect the new change, and will add focus to that item.Delete
: It will remove the item from selection.activeIndex
will stay the same if the item removed was not the last one, but focus will move to the item which now has that index. If the last item was removed, theactiveIndex
will decrease by one and will also move focus to the corresponding item. If there are no items available anymore, the focus moves to the dropdown andactiveIndex
: Same effect asDelete
: MovesactiveIndex
and focus to previous item. It stops at the first item in the selection.ArrowLeft
can be overriden with any other key depeding on the requirements.ArrowRight
: MovesactiveIndex
and focus to next item. It will move focus to thedropdown
if it occurs on the last selected item.ArrowRight
can be overriden with any other key depeding on the requirements.
You can provide your own event handlers to useMultipleSelection
which will be
called before the default handlers:
const items = [...] // items here.
const {getDropdownProps} = useMultipleSelection()
const {getInputProps} = useCombobox({items})
const ui = (
/* label, selected items, ... */
onKeyDown: event => {
// your custom keyDown handler here.
If you would like to prevent the default handler behavior in some cases, you can
set the event's preventDownshiftDefault
property to true
const items = [...] // items here.
const {getDropdownProps} = useMultipleSelection()
const {getInputProps} = useCombobox({items})
const ui = (
/* label, selected items, ... */
onKeyDown: event => {
// your custom keyDown handler here.
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
// Prevent Downshift's default 'Enter' behavior.
event.nativeEvent.preventDownshiftDefault = true
// your handler code
If you would like to completely override Downshift's behavior for a handler, in favor of your own, you can bypass prop getters:
const items = [...] // items here.
const {getDropdownProps} = useMultipleSelection()
const {getInputProps} = useCombobox({items})
const ui = (
/* label, selected items, ... */
onKeyDown: event => {
// your custom keyDown handler here.
onKeyDown={event => {
// your custom keyDown handler here.
#3618 Thanks @SiTaggart! - [Combobox primitive] Updated dev depenedencies to include typescript and tsx for running build scripts
#3442 Thanks @TheSisb! - Removed all run-time prop-type checkingfrom Paste components. Paste now ships with only TypeScript types.ACTION NEEDED: None. This should be 100% backwards compatible.
#3395 Thanks @SiTaggart! - Modified the compile target of our JavaScript bundles fromnode
to minimize the risk of clashing with RequireJS. This is marked as a major out of an abundance of caution. You shouldn't need to do anything but we wanted you to be aware of the change on the off chance it has unintended consequences
- Updated dependencies [
]:- @twilio-paste/dropdown-library@3.0.0
#3260 Thanks @TheSisb! - [Combobox Primitive] export new typeUseComboboxPrimitiveStateChangeOptions
to help type stateReducers
- Updated dependencies [
]:- @twilio-paste/dropdown-library@2.0.0
#2763 Thanks @shleewhite! - Update ESLint rules, which changed some formatting.
#2660 Thanks @TheSisb! - [Combobox Primtiive] Export additional Typescript types for the MultiSelect hook
#2466 Thanks @TheSisb! - [All packages] Update our ESBuild version and remove minification of identifiers in our production builds.
#2269 Thanks @SiTaggart! - Fixed a regression with the compilation script that caused incompatible ESM module importing of JSON files.
#2237 Thanks @SiTaggart! - Updated a build dependency (esbuild) which changes the output of our builds slightly, without materially changing anything about the code.
#1985 Thanks @TheSisb! - For debugging purposes we now ship afilename.debug.js
unminified version of each component or library in Paste.
#1965 Thanks @shleewhite! - Upgrade Paste to use React 17 by default, but maintain React 16 support for consumers.
#1790 Thanks @andipants12! - [Combobox Primitive] expose useMultiSelectPrimitive
#1319 Thanks @SiTaggart! - Change internal dependencies to have minor range matching on version numbers
#1228 Thanks @SiTaggart! - Bump status of the component to production
#1158 Thanks @richbachman! - Pinned all twilio-paste package versions in order to keep them in sync with core when they are updated by changesets.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.2.1 (2021-01-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive
0.1.11 (2021-01-15)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive
0.1.10 (2020-12-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive
0.1.9 (2020-10-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive
0.1.8 (2020-10-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive
0.1.7 (2020-10-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive
0.1.6 (2020-09-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive
0.1.5 (2020-08-21)
- combobox-primitive: export returned state types (13c2c9d)
0.1.4 (2020-07-01)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive
0.1.3 (2020-06-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/combobox-primitive
0.1.2 (2020-06-01)
- combobox-primitive: export UseComboboxProps (a480f87)
0.1.1 (2020-05-22)
- combobox-primitive: export combobox interface and props (1fdf8ad)
- combobox-primitive: add combobox-primitive package (03c44d4)
0.0.2 (2019-10-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/primitive-combobox
Note: Version bump only for package @twilio-paste/primitive-combobox